§ 79-3. Order to demolish, posting and contents.
If, after inspection, the building official, or a licensed building inspector working under the supervision of the building official, finds a slum or blighted structure meets one or more of the criteria for demolition set forth in section 79-2 above, the county administrator or his designee shall issue a notice to all owners, interested parties, and known occupants stating that the structure shall be demolished. Such notice shall also be conspicuously posted on the structure or conspicuously displayed on the premises to which it relates, and shall, at a minimum contain the following language:
This structure has been found by Pasco County to be a slum or blighted structure that shall be demolished pursuant the Chapter 79 of the Pasco County Code of Ordinances. THIS STRUCTURE SHALL BE VACATED AND SHALL NOT BE OCCUPIED. Persons inhabiting this structure should vacate immediately, but in no case more than 48 hours after posting of this notice. The owner(s) of this structure shall demolish this structure and clear the site within 30 days of this order or Pasco County will cause the structure to be demolished and cleared at the owner's expense. Demolition and clearance will include all tangible personal property on the site, such as vehicles, appliances, etc. THE OWNER OR ANY OTHER INTERESTED PARTY MAY APPEAL THIS FINDING WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE DATE INDICATED BELOW BY SUBMITTING A WRITTEN PETITION TO: Director, Community Development Department of Pasco County, (Address and Phone). CAUTION: FAILURE TO APPEAL WITHIN 30 DAYS OR TO DEMOLISH THIS STRUCTURE WITHIN 30 DAYS WILL RESULT IN THE DEMOLITION OF THIS STRUCTURE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE OR HEARING. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO REMOVE OR TO MUTILATE THIS NOTICE UNTIL THE DEMOLITION ORDER IS COMPLIED WITH. FAILURE OF THE OWNER OR AN INTERESTED PARTY TO APPEAL WITHIN 30 DAYS OR TO DEMOLISH THIS STRUCTURE WITHIN 30 DAYS IS A VIOLATION OF PASCO COUNTY'S ORDINANCES.
(Ord. No. 04-41, § 3, 9-8-04; Ord. No. 17-36, § 3, 9-26-17)